Nandi Academy
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1. At NANDI ACADEMY the method of teaching and the hands on activities helps children to go beyond the textbook learning. The methodology adopted make connections with curriculum and the diverse interests of the children. Every aspect of learning & the conscious experience is connected to the way in such a manner that the brain processes the information and experience.

2. At NANDI ACADEMY we use multiple intelligences in preparing the students to embrace a multi - faceted world we live in. This theory of multiple intelligences is so intriguing because, it expands NANDI ACADEMY'S horizon of available teaching & learning tools beyond the conventional and logical methods.

3. The curriculum is planned to enable every child to sharpen his/her respective intelligence:

4. Linguistic Intelligence: Communicating skills are improved through creative writing, poetry, debates, public speaking, listening, storytelling, explaining, teaching, understanding the syntax and meaning of words.

5. Musical Intelligence: A 'Rhythmic mind' is developed through by singing, whistling, playing musical instruments, recognizing tonal patterns, remembering melodies, understanding the structure and rhythm of music of both classical and contemporary music.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence: The visual arts expands creativity with exposure through photography, understanding charts and graphs, imagination, sketching, painting, creating visual metaphors and analogies, manipulating images, constructing, fixing, designing practical objects, interpreting visual images.

Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence: Kinaesthetic skills are enhanced through dance, physical co-ordination, sports, hands-on experimentation, using body language, crafts, acting, miming, using hands to create or build, expressing emotions through the body.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Critical thinking skills are enhanced through problem solving, classifying and categorizing information, working with abstract concepts to figure out the relationship of each to the other, handling long chains of reason to make local progressions, doing controlled experiments, questioning and wondering about natural events, performing complex mathematical calculations, working with geometric shapes.

Intra personal Intelligence : Self-reflection of one's strengths and weaknesses is important as is being aware of one's inner state of being. Evaluation of one's thinking patterns and understanding one's role in the world can be developed by yoga, meditation and development of personal skills.

Inter personal intelligence: The social intelligence is developed through group dynamics, using empathy, understanding other people's moods and feelings, counseling, co-operating with groups, noticing people's moods, motivations and intentions, peaceful conflict resolution and establishing positive relations with other people.

Naturalistic intelligence: One's interdependent relationship with flora and fauna in the natural eco-system around us can be explored through camping, nature walks, bird watching, nurturing, learning about species and exploring the environment. In this way one understands that nature nurtures and teaches how to reduce, reuse and recycle and live in harmony with nature.

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